Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Facebook Pa More

I deactivated my facebook and twitter accounts. Well, this is not the first time, but, I have more serious reason this time. I don't want to share my exact reason because I don't want to sound bitter or too emotional. But, I will list down here the vague thought why I did the DEACTIVATION.


Facebook has been so noisy! Most of us check our facebook almost everyday. It became so accessible that mobile networks are offering it in a very cheap price/charge or even free. We have what? Nine-hundred? A thousand of facebook friends? And all of them is posting and sharing everything and anything, some makes sense but most of it are all shit.

How many friends of yours posts about their "hopeless-romantic themed lovelife", it's fine but, why would anyone post five tragic love quotes consecutively? How about those who make "parinig" to their bitchy frienemies. Do they realize how coward they look when they do this? Or those who post overloaded-selfie photos and put a bible verse or an inspirational quote as captions? No one gets that and if you try to ask them, they will just answer "Kanya-kanyang trip yan!". Oh, or these Jejemons and Famewhores whose posts are pure bragging and arrogance. They post with harsh and curse words, they bash people they don't really know. Some will send you a templated message and ask you to like their post or photo. They proclaim superiority out of the numbers of their followers. These are just examples, I know we can list down more, right?

I know you might find me bitter and rude. But, I believe that it's not only me who can say and agree with this. That's why I left the facebook world.

We are all different, we have assorted personalities. We do not have the same religion, status, beliefs, principles. And everytime we meet the contrary of ourselves, that's when we start questioning. Questioning if we are doing the right thing. We question our conscience. We try to think and do the things that might contradict or even kill our true self. If you are weak, you might make compromise or decide to go on something you will regret in the future.That should scare the hell of us!

There are billions of people on facebook. And knowing that these people are on facebook will give you a perception that it is a perfect virtual presentation of the community, or of the world! When someone on facebook tells something is right, and you saw a thousands of likes and comments, this will give you a STANDARD of what is right and what is wrong! Let's get more specific. When someone post an opinion about how perfect is Mr. Dela Cruz as the president of the Philippines, and you saw that this goes for a millions of likes and shares, most of the people will take that as their own as well, even without considering the other parties. Another specific example, when a pretty lady post a selfie photo that has a millions of likes and shares, it may give you a standard of beauty. It may makes you think that this is what the world want, this is beauty!

I'm not saying facebook is not good or beneficial. Facebook itself is a powerful thing in our techie generation. It's just the people on facebook that made it somehow polluted and dangerous.

We have to know ourselves first. If you think that you are human enough and can protect your emotions and beliefs no matter what. If you think that you are strong enough that your conscience cannot be shaken no matter what. Or your wise enough to be flexible to accept and decline a lot of opinions on the internet. Well, go and log in to your facebook and do your thing.

The community that facebook has is a bold representation of the different personality and attitude of the people living in the world. Everyone should be ready for a war everytime we log in on facebook.


This a come-back post on this blog. And I decided to do something cool for this and for the following posts. So here it is, every blog post I decided to feature something. Maybe a music video, or an edited photo/graphic or anything that has pulled up the motivation or emotion on the post.

For today, here's a music from Beyonce.

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